Student expectations
as of 11/21/24 TL
See the DES Workforce Learning and Performance Learner Expectations and WAC 106-125-020 Prohibited student conduct for additional guides.
After the annual Training Calendar is published, block out interested class dates with a personal calendar invite to avoid future workload and meeting conflicts.
Seek employer approval before registering.
Submit registrations before the registration period closes. Late registrations must be approved by the presenter.
Email to cancel a registration. Provide a reason why.
If a registration must be cancelled, strive to find a replacement.
Once you are registered, commit to attending the full duration of the class.
Request ADA accommodations before class.
If submitting a registration on behalf of others, copy them in the request email or forward them registration confirmation upon receipt.
Course materials
If hardcopy course materials are not provided, access them online and/or print yourself a copy.
When course materials are copyrighted, do not share them with individuals who did not attend the class.
Before class
Fulfill prerequisites, as outlined in the course announcement.
Complete pre-work, as outlined in the course announcement.
Bring requested items, as outlined in the course announcement.
For virtual classes:
Create a free MS Teams account, if you do not already have one.
Ensure video, speakers, and microphones are functional before joining.
Connect to high-speed/bandwidth internet.
For call-in attendees, view the presentation on a computer to fully participate.
Arrive at least 5 minutes before class.
For trainings taking place in the 6400 Linderson Conference Center, stay clear of the outside entryway until doors unlock at 8:00am if you are a non-agency employee.
During class
Follow presenter ground rules, as outlined in the course announcement.
If attending a class virtually and sharing a conference room with others, provide names of who are present in the Chat room or reply to the meeting invite.
Use professional, respectful, ethical, and profanity-free language.
When sharing experiences, communicate from your perspective by using “I” statements and maintain the confidentiality of others involved by excluding identifying information.
Make room for other students to ask questions.
Actively listen to understand the views of others.
Keep discussion on-topic.
Save detailed/county specific questions for after class.
Email to report presenter, student, and/or class issues.
Attendance requirements
Appraisers who attend approved classes to receive continuing education credit for accreditation, must attend 90% of the class for International Association of Assessing Officers (IAAO) sponsored trainings. The IAAO policy states, “Students must attend 90% of the class hours to achieve the full number of educational hours offered for the course. Anything less than 90% attendance will result in zero hours of credit.” For example, if a class was scheduled for three hours, or 180 minutes, students must attend a minimum of 162 minutes, or 162 / 180 = 90%. For details, see the IAAO Education Manual.
Appraisers who attend approved classes to receive continuing education credit for accreditation, must attend 83% of the class for Department of Revenue sponsored trainings. The law defines a classroom hour as a minimum of fifty minutes out of each sixty-minute hour (WAC 458-10-010(3)(e)). For example, if a class is scheduled for three hours, or 180 minutes, students must attend a minimum of 150 minutes, or 150 / 180 = 83%.
Partial credit will not be awarded per laws.
Certificates of attendance will be emailed to eligible students if requested during registration. Or email to make a request after class.
After class
Complete a course evaluation (optional).
Save certificate of attendance.