2025 Property Tax legislation

2025 session proposed bills

Updated March 21, 2025


Bill/Link Description Introduced
HB 1004 Increasing the personal property tax exemption. 12/03/2024
HB 1032 Concerning school district elections. 12/11/2024
HB 1040 Concerning rental income received by people eligible for certain property tax exemption programs. 12/11/2024
HB 1042 Authorizing cost recovery for county treasurers. 12/11/2024
HB 1044 Concerning county fees for administration of the real estate excise tax.  
HB 1094 Providing a property tax exemption for property owned by a qualifying nonprofit organization and loaned, leased, or rented to and used by any government entity to provide character-building, benevolent, protective, or rehabilitative social services. *Companion bill SB 5697 12/19/2024
2SHB 1102 Increasing support and services for veterans. 12/19/2024
EHB 1106 Recognizing the tremendous sacrifices made by our military veterans by phasing down the disability rating requirements to ensure more disabled veterans are eligible for property tax relief. 12/20/2024
HB 1165 Expanding access to the property tax exemption program for seniors, people retired due to disability, and veterans with disabilities. 01/06/2025
HB 1179 Providing a property tax valuation freeze for senior citizens and disabled veterans. 01/07/2025
HB 1206 Expanding eligibility to utilize the multifamily tax exemption program to all counties required or choosing to plan under RCW 36.70A.040. 01/09/2025
ESHB 1210 Concerning targeted urban area tax preferences. 01/09/2025
SHB 1261 Providing tax relief for certain incidental uses on open space land. Companion bill SB 5479. 01/14/2025
HB 1334 Modifying the annual regular property tax revenue growth limit. 01/16/2025
SHB 1356 Concerning K-12 funding. 01/17/2025
HB 1397 Imposing local property tax levies wholly credited against the state property tax to provide support and services for veterans' assistance and for persons with developmental disabilities or mental health needs. 01/20/2025
SHB 1488 Concerning conservation district revenue limitations. *Companion bill SB 5510 1/21/2025
3SHB 1491 Promoting transit-oriented housing development. 1/21/2025
HB 1494 Concerning the property tax exemptions for new and rehabilitated multiple-unit dwellings in urban centers. 01/21/2025
HB 1729 Providing property tax relief by reducing both parts of the state school levies. 1/30/2025
HB 1844 Advancing the production and use of alternative jet fuels in Washington. 2/5/2025
2SHB 1847 Prioritizing the development of distributed alternative energy resources in targeted circumstances. 2/5/2025
HB 1870 Concerning county property tax levies for public health clinic purposes. *Companion SB 5709 2/6/2025
2SHB 1960 Encouraging renewable energy in Washington through tax policy and investment in local communities. 2/11/2025
HB 1974 Establishing land banking authorities. 2/14/2025
HB 1985 Concerning the creation of animal services districts. 2/17/2025
HB 1995 Concerning tax preferences. 2/18/2025
HB 1997 Cutting statewide property tax revenues by 10 percent without creating a shift to other taxpayers. 2/18/2025
HB 2024

Providing housing safety, security, and protection by creating the primary residence property tax exemption. *Companion SB 5770

HB 2026 Creating the fairness in education funding act. 2/25/2025
HJR 4200 Concerning the taxation of personal property 12/05/2024
HJR 4201 Amending the Constitution to allow a majority of voters voting to authorize school district bonds. 12/11/2024
HJR 4204 Amending the Constitution to allow for a property tax exemption for a principal place of residence. *Companion SJR 8203 2/25/2025
HJR 4205 Abolishing excess enrichment and capital levies. 2/25/2025



Bill/Link Description Introduced
SB 5020 Providing property tax relief to senior citizens. 12/10/2024
SB 5151 Limiting annual state spending growth to median worker wage growth, with excess revenues dedicated to property tax relief. 01/07/2025
2SSB 5186 Concerning school district elections. 01/08/2025
SSB 5221 Simplifying processes and timelines related to personal property distraint. 01/10/2025
SSB 5252 Removing the acreage limit on the property tax exemption for nonprofit public assembly halls and meeting places. 01/14/2025
SB 5398 Concerning property tax exemptions for veterans with disabilities. 01/21/2025
SSB 5431 Modifying tax and revenue laws in a manner that is not estimated to affect state or local tax collections. 01/22/2025
ESSB 5445 Encouraging the development of distributed energy resources. 1/23/2025
SB 5479 Providing tax relief for certain incidental uses on open space land. *Companion bill HB 1261. 1/24/2025
SSB 5510 Concerning conservation district revenue limitations. *Companion bill HB 1488 1/27/2025
SSB 5516 Modifying the property tax exemption for community centers. 1/27/2025
ESB 5529 Amending the county population threshold for counties that may exempt from taxation the value of accessory dwelling units to incentivize rental to low-income households. 1/27/2025
SB 5593 Adjusting enrichment levies and local effort assistance. 1/30/2025
SSB 5601 Advancing the production and use of alternative jet fuels in Washington. *Companion bill HB 1844 1/30/2025
SB 5604 Promoting transit-oriented development. 1/30/2025
SB 5674 Concerning manufacturing facilities. 2/5/2025
SB 5679 Expanding eligibility to utilize the multifamily tax exemption program to all counties required or choosing to plan under RCW 36.70A.040. *Companion HB 1206 2/6/2025
SB 5697 Providing a property tax exemption for property owned by a qualifying nonprofit organization and loaned, leased, or rented to and used by any government entity to provide character-building, benevolent, protective, or rehabilitative social services. *Companion HB 1094 2/7/2025
SB 5709

Concerning county property tax levies for public health clinic purposes. *Companion HB 1870

SB 5755 Incentivizing residential development with public benefits on underutilized commercial properties. 2/14/2025
SSB 5770 Providing housing safety, security, and protection by creating the primary residence property tax exemption. *Companion bill HB 2024 2/21/2025
SSJR 8200 Amending the Constitution to allow 55 percent of voters voting to authorize school district bonds. 01/08/2025
SJR 8203 Amending the Constitution to allow for a property tax exemption for a principal place of residence. *Companion bill HJR 4204 2/21/2025